
You will find below our two recipes Essential and Reference for dogs. These two recipes meet the dietary needs of all puppies and adult dogs of all ages (sterilized or not). Reference is our most high-end kibble with the highest amount possible of protein and the minimum amount possible of carbohydrates. Our Essential kibble is a compromise with slightly less protein and more carbohydrates than Reference. The choice between these two croquettes is therefore above all a financial choice.

Attention :

It is imperative to follow all our advice on the food transition (french only). Click on the followin button:

Transition alimentaire chien

  • All life stages

    50,90 €

    DDM : 06/05/2025 In stock
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    120,90 €

    DDM : 21/02/2025 In stock
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  • All life stages

    236,90 €

    DDM : 00/00/0000 In stock
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  • All life stages

    100,90 €

    DDM : 25/03/2025 In stock
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  • All life stages

    196,90 €

    DDM : 00/00/0000 In stock
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  • Indestructible and recyclable measuring cup

    1,00 €

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  • Indestructible and recyclable measuring cup

    0,80 €

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